Ella Kulak
Ella Kulak
Dreams Come Alive


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Ella Kulak

Creative Branding, Social Media, Fashion, Travel, Health, City Boots, and Spontaneous Adventures

I was born in Gloucester, Massachusetts, and eventually made my way to Florida for school. Some people say that dreams come true. I believe they do if your heart dreams it.

I graduated from the University of Florida with an Advertising and Sport Management major. Now, I am a girl working her booty off while exploring the world and everything it has to offer. People think of work as a chore, but I see it as an adventure. Everyday we are presented with new opportunities and ways to improve our self. Here, I created a website to share my journey with you.

As a child I was always determined. Sitting home staring at a wall all day made me feel, wasted. I knew there was something I could do with my time. This was when I began researching. Jobs, skills, careers, colleges, and a way to improve my life. When I could finally get a job at the age of 16, I made sure to be the best. I needed to Win. At everything.

People called me ambitious, wild, insane, and competitive. Boy were those people right. My whole life and everything I did was a competition. When I finally achieved my dream, getting accepted into my first choice college, I became what others call me…a Monster.